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Preview / Summary for Awk Users
The following points provide a quick (albeit dense) overview of
Ftwalk, particularly for users who are already familiar with
awk and script programming.
- Ftwalk is a script programming language very much like awk.
Most scripts consist of test expressions paired with action blocks (along
with optional BEGIN and END blocks and function
definitions). Each test expression is evaluated for each input event and,
if true, the corresponding action block is executed.
- You can provide an entire ftwalk script on the
command line (use single quotes to keep the shell from messing with
special characters), or you can put the script into a file (use -f
path to specify the file, or make the script executable and specify
the ftwalk path in a first line beginning with #!).
- Ftwalk handles the command line like awk. The first
command line arguments that begin with - are options, then a script,
then parameter assignments (name=value pairs that
set ftwalk variables after any BEGIN blocks),
then regular arguments.
- Ftwalk evaluates test/action pairs for each input event.
Ftwalk can work with a variety of input event generators, but
the default is a file tree search module which starts at the command
line arguments (pathnames, or . if omitted) and generates an
input event for each file found. Like awk, ftwalk sets
$0 to the current input (in this case a file stat object for
the current file), and uses the current file as a default argument
for many functions.
- Anything you can do with the UNIX find program you can easily
recode in ftwalk. In most cases, find's option names are the
same as ftwalk function names, but find's + or -
option parameters convert to ftwalk expressions (e.g., find -atime
-5 becomes ftwalk atime < 5). A couple of
differences: find's -type becomes isreg, isdir,
etc.; -exec is sh, -ok is oksh; in ftwalk
size is in bytes and sizeb is in blocks.
- If you run ftwalk with the -awk option,
or run ftwalk under the name hawk, the regular
arguments are interpreted as text file names, like in awk.
(A line #source awk in the script has the same effect.)
Each argument is a file name (no arguments defaults to standard input).
The file is read, split into records, and the test/action pairs are
evaluated for each record.
- The syntax for ftwalk scripts is very much like awk, but
with some extensions and embellishments. You can use until as the
negation of while, unless as the negation of if. The
break and continue statements are multilevel (like sh).
There is a switch statement (with case and default
like C, but no break or dropthrough; the cases can be expressions
with implicit left operands, like: case > 10 && < 20:
...). One embellishment that is almost transparent is that the newline
characters which end statements in awk are context-dependent in
ftwalk, so you can write code in more of a C-like style, while
almost never having to backslash a newline.
- Like awk, ftwalk allocates global variables wherever
an unrecognized symbol is used, and variables may hold any type of object.
(Ftwalk also has static and auto keywords to
explicitly define a variable.) However, where awk has a loose
type system that converts between strings and floating-point numbers,
ftwalk has a rich type system and is more strongly typed. Like C++,
ftwalk operators
depend on their operand object types, so << will
do a bit shift left on numbers or will write to an output file stream.
In most cases the type of the left operand determines the behavior.
The typeof function tells you the type of an object, and there
are conversion functions (like int, float, string)
to force conversion to particular object types.
- Ftwalk has 300 or so built-in functions (compared to 20 for
awk), plus a number of built-in variables and object-oriented functions
(functions that are called like C++ member functions: object
. function). Many of the functions are simple wrappers
for UNIX API functions, which may be familiar and work pretty much as
expected (the main differences are simplifications: common prefixes for
structure members are usually dropped (e.g., pw_dir for a user's
home directory becomes dir), defaults for common arguments, no need
for buffer sizes and lengths, functions which in C return data
indirectly usually return data directly in ftwalk). When calling
a function that needs no arguments, you can omit the following ( ).
- Some functions allow for options. A function option looks like a
function argument, but is specified as an identifier followed by :
and an optional parameter. Most options have single-character abbreviations
as well as longer option names.
- As in awk, you define your own functions with an initial
function keyword, followed by the definition. User-defined
functions can find out how many arguments they are called with,
the type of each argument, and any options. User-defined functions
can be called as object-oriented functions, and access their object
as this.
- Comments start with # and continue to the end of the
line, unless they are recognized as directives (put a space after
the # to ensure that it is ignored as a comment). Directives
are inspired by C preprocessor directives, many of which are comparable
(#include, #define, #if ... #endif).
Directives are evaluated immediately, so they can control script
compilation and set preconditions for executing the script (such as
#source awk to use the awk-like input generator).
- Ftwalk has three numeric types: int, unsigned,
float. The int and unsigned types are based on the
native C long (or long long, if available), and
float is based on double. The whole math library
is provided. If you run ftwalk with the -i option
switch, you get a handy calculator, where you can type in expressions
and get answers printed back. Actually, you can type in and evaluate
any ftwalk expression, compound statement, or other construct.
This is the interactive monitor, and it is an excellent way to explore
- Ftwalk supports regular expressions as a distinct type.
Regular expressions are specified as R" ... "
or // ... //. Matches against regular expressions are
done with the ~ and !~ operators. These have the side
effect of setting RSTART and RLENGTH (like awk).
- Ftwalk strings can be arbitrarily long, and can hold null
characters (like perl). You can read a whole file into a string
with getfile, and write it back out again with putfile.
(The shr and shw functions do the same thing with shell
command pipelines.) All of awk's string functions are provided,
plus more. Conversion to/from strings can be done using C-like
sprintf and sscanf, as well as perl-like
pack and unpack. sprintf and related functions
support a %( ... ) conversion, where whatever is in
parentheses is taken as ftwalk code, evaluated, and the result
converted to a string.
- Ftwalk supports intervals, which are defined by two scalar
values joined with the .. operator (e.g., 1..10). You
can do comparisons against intervals, or use the in operator
to test whether a value is included in an interval. Intervals are
particularly useful for date/time ranges. Date/time objects convert
to int in seconds or to string using a cftime
format specified by the DTFMT variable, and have members like
the C struct tm. Date/time literals are specified by
T" ... ". If the specification string has .. in
it, it produces a date/time interval.
- Ftwalk has extensive support for lists. The list
function defines a list. Specialized lists can be created by array,
queue, or stack. Lists can nest or be kept flat. Lists
can be kept in sorted order, and you can define your own sort functor
(a data type like pointers to named or anonymous functions). The +=
operator adds a value to a list, and -= removes a value (del
removes an indexed element). The << operator inserts a value
into a list, and >> extracts a value from a list.
The in operator tests
whether a value is included in a list. The brackets [ ] can be
used to select a list element (with an integer index starting from 1;
negative indexes offset from the end of the list), a range of elements
(with an interval), or a subset of elements (with a functor).
The &, |, and ^ operators perform set
operations on lists. split splits a string into a list;
string converts a list to a string, using the LISTFMT
variable to specify the default conversion. Whole files can be read
into lists using the getfile $l option, and lists can
be written to files using putfile (which knows a list when
it sees one).
- Like awk, ftwalk supports associative arrays, which
provide a mapping from a string key to a value (we call them maps).
Uninitialized variables become maps when you use the brackets [ ]
on them. Use the in operator to test whether a key is defined in
a map, and delete to drop a key from a map.
Ftwalk also provides map-like access to the environment (ENVIRON)
and to NDBM databases.
- One aspect of awk that ftwalk didn't follow was
file I/O. Awk uses shell-like redirection characters and opens/closes
files/pipelines as needed. Ftwalk uses the more traditional
open (or popen or socket), do something (get,
put, scanf, printf, read, write,
seek, tell, fcntl, ioctl, lockf, ...),
close model. The << and >> operators
work like C++ (except that >> cannot be type-dependent,
since it reads into an untyped variable), and you can << endl.
The standard files (following C++) are: cin, cout, cerr,
clog. (Although there is an awk-like getline, and more
compatibility may be implemented in future 1.5.X releases.)
- Ftwalk has structures, where members are accessed C-like as
object . member. Each structure has its own type
name (use typeof) and member list (members). Some functions
return predefined structures (e.g., getrlimit, msgctl,
uname) or take structure arguments (like fcntl for setting
file locks). New structure instances are created with new
structure. You can define your own structures as struct
{ member, ... }.
- Ftwalk has special types for other stuff you are likely to
run into: user IDs, group IDs, Internet addresses, file stat objects.
The user and group objects readily convert to string (name) and
int (numeric ID). Internet addresses convert to dotted string
form or can be used directly by functions like gethostbyaddr
without having to go through pack and unpack. File stat
objects hold the C struct stat for a file and its pathname
(if known; file stat objects can also be obtained for open files).
These objects have members (you can get a user's shell with
User . shell), but you cannot change the member values.
- Some of ftwalk's most powerful functions are: backup,
which compares source and destination files and copies the source file
to the destination if they differ; install, which compares a
source file to an arbitrary installation file, copies the file if
different, and sets ownership/permissions according to specifications;
dircmp, which compares two directories and puts all of the
filenames from those directores into four lists, so you can readily
identify which files are the same, different, or missing on one side
or the other.
- When ftwalk runs, it creates a log file in your home directory
(.ftwalk.log), which gets copies of any error messages and possibly
other diagnostic messages. You can write to this log file by writing to
clog or using debug. You can turn extensive run-time
diagnostics on either from the command line or within your script.
You can specify a different log file pathname with the -log
command line option or the FTWALK_LOG environment variable,
or disable the log file (with -nolog or setting FTWALK_LOG
to an empty string value).
- All of this and more is documented in the on-line help file, which
you can view with the fthelp program (or almost any HTML browser,
e.g., Netscape). You can access fthelp
from the interactive monitor by typing ? (optionally followed by
a keyword that you want to search for). When you run fthelp from the
interactive monitor, type f to return to the interactive monitor.